Bee-Lieve Blogs
We seem to be more concerned with what we put in our bodies (eating more healthy), than what we put on our body? Such as the soap we use. Soap has always been so commercial and over the years has become laced with more and more harmful chemicals. Much of the ingredients in conventional soap available in the stores today is not really soap, it’s detergent because it’s so harsh. Detergents are petroleum-based products, like gasoline and kerosene. Have you ever noticed how soap leaves your skin feeling dry and itchy? Ingredients in many soaps have been proven harmful to human health and can cause severe skin irritations, in some people. These include ingredients such as DEA, Isopropyl Alcohol, BHT and Triclosan (commonly found in anti-bacterial soap). The most common ingredient in conventional bar soaps is sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). The many chemicals used in personal care products can irritate the skin and eyes, while some of these chemicals are even linked to cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, and birth defects.
You’ll be surprised what toxins are hiding in those beautiful, sweet-smelling, sudsy soaps. For example, Dove Beauty Bar contains formaldehyde (possibly cancer-causing). It also contains Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), which is also suspected to be cancer causing. SLS may damage protein formation in the eyes, not only from direct eye contact but also through skin absorption. SLS may lead to cataract formation and eventually to blindness. Many dandruff shampoos contain chemicals that, if swallowed, can damage vital organs. Dandruff shampoos may also contain resorcinol, which is easily absorbed through the skin/scalp and can lead to inflammation of the inner eyelids, skin irritation, dizziness, rapid heartbeats, breathing difficulties, etc. Dandruff shampoos may also contain coal tar. The pesticide, Lindane, is used in shampoos for treating lice and scabies. Lindane has been banned in several countries as it has been linked to brain cancer.
BEE-LiEVE is the New Soap Bar On The Block. While there is nothing new about All Natural Soap, its popularity is growing rapidly. Society is moving toward buying soap products that are healthy and good for the skin; as well as the environment. Evidence abounds of the healing properties in natural soaps. Those who suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as people that have sensitive skin or are hypoallergenic often find immediate relief by switching to Natural Soap. Because they contain vegetable-based oils, such as olive, coconut and palm and do not contain the potentially harmful chemicals found in conventional bar soap.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It contains approximately 20 square feet and is the first line of defense against infection and disease. Natural Soap gives your skin the care it needs and deserves, and makes for a more gentle and soothing experience. Note: you may not get as many suds, or the smells as with the conventional soaps; but it comes with a price. With the essential oils in Bee-Lieve Soaps, it’s also soothing for the mind and spirit. |
So, “Raise The Bar”; try BEE-LiEVE Soap Bars! LIVE, BREATH & BEE-LiEVE!